Let the products you love find you.
With millions of options for any potential purchase, we're overwhelmed by choice. Your Copilot is here to help you make better decisions faster - no matter where you shop.
AI that knows every product in every store
From global marketplaces to local boutiques, Moonsift is analysing products every second of every day. Millions of new items arrive from every corner of the internet every week.
Entirely new ways to sift the product universe
You can call on your Copilot while browsing any retailer in the world. In the blink of an eye it will run around thousands of other stores to find the best alternatives for you.
User feedback is vital to improving performance, so if you would like to be part of this journey:
We'll be selecting people from the growing community of shoppers, stylists & designers to test early versions.
We believe in empowering individuality and we believe in a personalised product discovery experience that is unbiased.
Moonsift believes your data should work for you. We want to put the power of AI into the hands of consumers, helping you find more of the things you genuinely want to buy.
Moonsift has been designed alongside a community of people that love to shop online, but are frustrated by the disjointed experience. We are creating intelligent tools for people that want to make more considered choices.
© MOONSIFT Ltd. 2023